When you start losing your hair, it can really have a negative impact on your self-image. It is hard to be confident and feel good about yourself when you want to hide under a hat. Hair pieces and wigs are not the way that you want to go. You have tried some of the products that are available on the market without any luck. Your hair continues to do a disappearing act. PRP hair restoration could be the solution that is right for you, triggering hair growth and avoiding further loss of a part of you that is so important.

Let Your Hair Have a Comeback

Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women, although men are affected the most. Anyone who believes that victims of hair loss readily accept their condition would be wrong. Hair loss can happen at any age, but it often strikes as hormones shift as middle age approaches. The problem can occur due to hormonal therapy or imbalances caused by various underlying conditions. It can also be a genetic issue. Regardless of why you are being affected by hair loss, you can tap into the power of your blood with PRP hair restoration.

Understanding PRP Hair Restoration

PRP hair restoration involves the use of platelet rich plasma, or PRP, to trigger hair growth. When you begin to lose your hair, your hair follicles are not functioning properly. PRP hair restoration can help you to reverse the process by using platelets to trigger the growth of healthy follicles. Plasma is contained in your blood and contains growth factors that promote cellular development throughout your body.

After your treatment is over, you will see gradual hair growth once again. PRP hair restoration allows you to take advantage of a natural approach to restore your hair rather than using dangerous chemicals or more invasive transplant procedures.

Learn More About Your Options for Hair Restoration

PRP hair restoration can help you take on the challenge of hair loss. Make an appointment at Orlando Dermatology to talk with us about this innovative option that is growing in popularity. When you are tired of looking at your reflection in the mirror because your hair is slipping away, PRP hair restoration can make a major difference in your life. We can evaluate your hair loss, discuss solutions that will treat any imbalances and then tell you how these solutions can give you back the head of hair that you used to have. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our med spa in Orlando.

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